
Top Authors

1566 hits Updated: 18 September 2023 Products: Downloads & Documentation

This is a module that lists all of the authors on a Joomla website and the number of articles that they have written.  The list can display either authors’ names or their usernames; the list can be limited to display the top n authors who have written articles.  You can choose whether to display only the count of published and archived articles or include trashed and unpublished articles in the count.  Site users who have written no articles are not displayed.

There is a demonstration of this module on the right side of this page.

Basic Settings

Top Authors settings

Display authors by ( Name | Username )  Choose whether you want the module to display authors “real” names or their usernames.
Count published/archived ( Yes | No )  Yes will only count articles that are published and/or archived; No includes unpublished and trashed articles in the count.
List limit Specify a number.  The initial (default) value is 10.  If you specify 0 then nothing will be displayed.

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